Support Us

Ask not what Founder’s Weekend can do for you, but what you can do for Founder’s Weekend.
— Root Quarterly's Volunteer Team


This is a barn raising, and many hands make light work—donating an amount that is significant to you is a grassroots way to show your support for the idea that we are ALL founders. Root Quarterly can receive tax-deductible contributions from any individual or business who would like to help support our programs. Suggested donation is $1,000, but you can support our efforts by giving a donation of ANY SIZE—smaller or larger— to the Root Quarterly Fund Regenerative Media Fund. Thank you! Root Quarterly is a program of CultureTrust Greater Philadelphia, a Pennsylvania charitable trust.

OUR GOAL: $25,000 // PLEDGED SO FAR: $4,500

sponsorships and advertising

Sponsorships and advertising are another way to help us produce Founder’s Weekend. If you have a business or organization, this is a great way to help us, and to get you in front of regional and national thought leaders—fellow readers, arts and culture lovers, regional enthusiasts, policy makers, creatives, entrepreneurs, makers, and doers.